Today I broke five hundred miles! It was a divine day to reach such a cool mile marker! The terrain was fairly easy, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. We ordered pizza at Partnership Shelter for lunch and sat around chatting for a while. Our trail family is a large one (most people seem to move in packs of 2 or 3, while we have anywhere from 5 to 8 people hiking together at a time), and I loved having all of us together for a big lunch!
Yesterday was a day of trail magic. After a dinner of pork loin and onions from some overnighters (I apparently ear meat when it's free on the trail), we had sausage and egg tortillas provided for breakfast. A sectioner was grilling burgers and dogs around noon at a road crossing and had sodas and beers for us, too! Finally that afternoon, Booksmarts, The Colonel, Blister and I got a ride into town for a quick diner dinner before heading on to the shelter.
Essentially the last 48 hours have been some of the best so far! That's pretty lucky as I've decided today to bring my hike to an end. After five hundred miles, I'm going to miss this trail alot (I already do!), but I think its a better to spend a couple weeks with my family before moving away (as opposed to the original plan of 48 hours).
This trip has been absolutely incredible. I couldn't think of a better way to spend six weeks! I've met great people and seen inspiring views. But more than anything, I've learned I really can do anything I set my mind to. My favorite saying out here has consistently been "it can't last forever", and that's true for more than just mountains!
"It's not about the miles, it's about the smiles" - saying along the AT
There were some misunderstandings and Flat Lily missed you in Damascus, now it seems she missed her chance. Sorry she couldn't join you on your hike but we have enjoyed reading about it, a real adventure. Enjoy the time with your family and good luck with your next adventure in life.