What a great 48 hours! After climbing the steepest uphill yet, I finally made it into my last shelter of the week Sunday night. Enzed and Forest took a zero day (meaning they didn't hike any), so I was on my own for much of the day save running into some weekend hikers who "trail magicked" me some chocolate covered coffee beans! "Karma" and "Fawn" also had chocolate and Kashi bars to share. "Burly", another thru hiker, came along and shared some skittles (the rest of which I later found waiting for me at the shelter!). I spent a sleepless night in the shelter and finally headed out on a quick 4-miler before sunrise on my way to catch a shuttle into Franklin. My friend Daniel picked me up and we came back to Brevard for a much needed day of rest. He's headed out to a shelter just 4 miles further up the trail with me tomorrow to spend the night then I'll continue on to the NOC by Saturday and hopefully Fontana Dam Monday or Tuesday! After that I will hopefully have caught up to Enzed and Forest (who probably will do more than just 4 miles out of Franklin tomorrow), so we can hit the Smokies together!
All in all, this trip is stellar! =)
"I haven't got any special religion this morning. My God is the God of walkers. If you walk hard enough, you probably won't need any other god." - Bruce Chatwin, 'In Patagonia', 1977
yay updates!